I am an illustrator and graphic designer.
I create bespoke, functional brands that
tell a story and share your passion.


I am an illustrator and graphic designer.
I create bespoke, functional brands that tell a story and share your passion.


I love to illustrate by hand and combine it with logo- or packaging-design. It gives my work for you a very special uniqueness.


I love to illustrate by hand and combine it with logo- or packaging-design. It gives my work for you a very special uniqueness.

Corporate Design

Bringing a Corporate Identity into a whole context and putting the DNA of a brand into a beautiful storytelling is very important – for me and the lasting of your company. 

Corporate Design

Bringing a Corporate Identity into a whole context and putting the DNA of a brand into a beautiful storytelling is very important – for me and the lasting of your company. 

Packaging Design

For me the most enriching process of design:
Where the customer can actually see and feel
your idiosyncrasy. Packaging design gives you
a variety of possibilities to tell your story.

Packaging Design

For me the most enriching process of design:
Where the customer can actually see
and feel your idiosyncrasy. Packaging design gives you 
a variety  of possibilities
to tell your story.

My Latest Work

If you would like to see more of my work,
check out my portfolio! I can also send it to you via mail.
Feel free to contact me!

Let’s Start
Something new
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